Best deals on vacation rentals for your entire crew

Escape from it all ... while still enjoying the comforts of home. Discover Expedia's array of vacation rental options and great deals—from cozy city apartments to picturesque beachfront villas

How do I find the best deals on vacation rentals?

If you’re looking to discover the best deals on vacation rentals, you’ll find them on Expedia. Expedia offers great discounts on all types of vacation rentals, so you’ll find the perfect escape whatever your budget. Vacation rentals in Myrtle Beach will put you on the laid-back shores of one of America’s premier summer getaway spots, while California vacation rentals will take you to glitzy Malibu and beyond.

From romantic countryside cottages and beach vacation rentals to glittering penthouses perfect for a city break, getting a great deal on a great getaway is just a few clicks away. Pro tip: book in the low season to beat the crowds and find the best prices.

Big inventory, big savings, big loyalty – that’s Expedia.

Are there any last minute vacation rental deals?

If you are spontaneous or just need to get some fun or relaxing time away fast, our last minute vacation rental deals are for you. Keep your options open and consider going where the offer takes you, you may be surprised at the fantastic last minute vacation rentals you can find – and where you might find them. From family-friendly vacation rentals in Orlando and low-key Panama City Beach rentals to woodsy cabin rentals in Mammoth Lake, Expedia’s selection of last minute vacation rentals lets you follow your whims and wallet, wherever they may take you.

What type of vacation rental can I get a deal on?

Expedia offers a huge selection of great properties at great prices, so whether you’re looking for beach house deals, cosmopolitan condos or cozy cabin rental deals that put you in the heart of nature, you’re sure to find something that suits your needs. With Expedia, you can escape to a perfect villa, luxury country house or a one-of-a-kind tree house, and for a price that won’t break the bank.

What destinations offer discounts on vacation rentals?

You can find deals on vacation rentals at a huge number of destinations across America. Nature lovers can plan the perfect getaway with Smoky Mountain cabin deals or Big Bear cabin deals, while foodies and night owls can flock to vacation rentals in San Francisco. Beach rentals are perfect for enjoying a laid-back weekend of sun and surf, while Jackson Hole cabin rentals offer an action-packed getaway near some of the country’s best ski slopes. Deals on vacation rentals can vary greatly depending on dates and destination, so having a bit flexibility can go a long way towards landing your dream deal.

Can I cancel my booking with Expedia?

We understand that sometimes life throws you a curveball and plans change, and now more than ever, flexibility matters. That’s why we’ve made it as simple as possible to rebook, change or cancel your booking with Expedia. Simply check your itinerary for rules and restrictions regarding your trip, or head to our customer service portal to find more information and contact a customer service representative.

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Terms and Conditions

Properties displayed are lowest nightly price found per stay based on a 1-night stay for 2 adults excluding all taxes and service fees

Prices are updated regularly and are accurate when published.

Blackout periods and additional terms may apply. Please check individual property for details.

Offers are subject to limited availability and may be discontinued without notice.

Please click through to individual deals to confirm prices, availability and applicable terms and conditions for those deals.

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